Children are experts in TRE. Actually, they don't even need to do it because they shake naturally. They shake when they are excited about something or when they are preparing to go to bed. But at some point around the age of ten, they tend to forget it. There are only a few places where they have done TRE in schools and kindergartens. In South Africa, they did a TRE research project in the SOS children's village for staff and children. The results were amazing. Children and the staff became more relaxed and the whole atmosphere changed profoundly.  

Video TRE project in South Africa

More videos about TRE can be found HERE

Tre would be an easy and cheap solution to make schools more interesting and safer for students and teachers in every country. My plan is to bring TRE to the Finnish school system eventually.

Children are restless and it takes a lot of time to get the class ready to learn. They also need to learn emotional skills. TRE is an excellent way to calm students and same time teach emotional skills. 

Less bullying

better buddy skills

Better focus

Deeper sleep

easier to calm down

more happiness